Sunday, January 9, 2011


Furio, Dane, Manny, Lee, me and the dogs.

We started riding  around 12.  Ran into snow at 475m, but only had to push a short distance to the gate by the highway. This weeks 'ride' up North Shore was more of a grovel (the rained-on snow proved to be overly challenging).  The pushing continued over the top until we stated descending.

I packed the shovel, which we used to divert water off the trail below the picnic table.
Later, on the last section, we made some needed improvements to a short bluffy stretch of trail. More trail maintenance would help, on the very next descent Furio went ass-over-tea-kettle, breaking his brake lever. Bummer.

The day was dry and sunny at a pleasant -1.  Excellent winter riding!

Manny taking a well deserved rest

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